

Why Keyboard Layouts Differ: All About QWERTY, AZERTY, and QWERTZ

laptop or desktop is unthinkable without a keyboard, and a well-functioning keyboard has more influence than you might think. But did you know there are different layouts depending on where you're from? These layouts vary in design and are often tailored to the user's language. In this blog, we'll take a look at the most popular keyboard layouts and why they differ.

The QWERTY Keyboard: The Global Standard

The most commonly used keyboard in the world is the QWERTY keyboard. The name is derived from the first six letters on the top row: Q, W, E, R, T, Y. This layout was originally designed for typewriters in the late 19th century by Christopher Latham Sholes. The goal was to improve typing speed and efficiency by placing frequently used keys further apart, preventing typewriters from jamming. Despite the rise of digital technology, this layout remains the standard in many countries. Thanks to the widespread adoption of QWERTY, this layout can be found on nearly all computers and laptops. Operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux all support QWERTY by default.

QWERTY NL: The Dutch Keyboard Layout

In the Netherlands, the QWERTY layout is used as the standard. It's suitable for typing in both Dutch and English. However, there is a customised version: QWERTY NL. This is a variant of the QWERTY keyboard that includes additional keys for accents and special characters, such as é, è, and ë.


  • QWERTY NL: Contains extra keys for accents and is optimised for the Dutch language.
  • QWERTY US: A simpler layout without extra accents, mainly suited for English language use.

The choice between QWERTY NL and US depends on personal preference and how often you use accents when typing.

QWERTY in the United Kingdom

The British QWERTY layout is very similar to the US layout but differs in a few areas. For example, the £ (pound) and € (euro) symbols are clearly present, the Enter key is often slightly larger, and the @ (at) and “ (quotation marks) keys are swapped. These adjustments make the keyboard more suited to use in the United Kingdom.

The AZERTY Keyboard: The French Influence

In Belgium and France, you often find a different keyboard: AZERTY. This is a variant that deviates from QWERTY, particularly on the top row of letters. Instead of QWERTY, you'll find AZERTY. This keyboard was originally designed to better suit the French language, which has different letter combinations and accents compared to English. For example, the letters 'é' and 'à' are easily accessible on an AZERTY keyboard. The AZERTY keyboard is primarily used in countries where French is the main language, such as France, Belgium, and Luxembourg, and it is the standard on laptops in these regions.

The QWERTZ Keyboard: The German Adjustment

Then there's QWERTZ, which is primarily used in German-speaking countries such as Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The QWERTZ keyboard is similar to the QWERTY keyboard in many ways, but there are a few important differences. One of the most noticeable is that the letters 'Y' and 'Z' are swapped. This is because the letter 'Z' appears much more frequently in the German language than the letter 'Y'. Additionally, on a QWERTZ keyboard, you'll also find shortcut keys for German letters such as 'Ä', 'Ö', and 'Ü'. Laptops in German-speaking countries are often equipped with this layout.

Why Are There Different Keyboard Layouts?

You might be wondering why there are so many different layouts. It primarily has to do with the different languages and how we type them. Some letters and accents are much more common in certain languages than in others. That's why laptops with different keyboards are tailored to the specific needs of users in different countries. For example, it's easier for a French person to quickly type an accent, and a German can easily use umlaut characters without any issues.

The Global Keyboard Choice

Whether you use QWERTY, AZERTY, or QWERTZ, the most important thing is being able to type efficiently. When choosing a keyboard, it's helpful to consider your language use and which characters you often need. At RefurbishedDirect, you can find all three types of keyboards, so you can always choose the right model for your needs.